Managing Conflicts and Disasters: Exploring Collaboration Between Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations
Policy Brief or Report
All States
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Community Development
This report looks at the potential for collaboration between employer and business membership organizations (EBMOs) and workers’ organizations in crises arising from conflicts and disasters. By zooming in on a variety of country contexts, it explores initiatives and policies that seek to maintain an environment for continued employment, decent work, and commercial activity. It also looks at efforts to build resilience in situations of conflict and/or major destruction by natural and human-made disasters. In particular, the report examines how EBMOs and workers’ organizations have taken action and cooperated in a variety of ways through social dialogue to prevent crises, promote peace, and enable recovery. In doing so, the study provides insights into the roles played by EBMOs and workers’ organizations in these contexts, and how such collaboration in crisis situations could be strengthened and replicated elsewhere.