University of Wisconsin–Madison

Rivers & Roads: Opportunities to Better Integrate Green Infrastructure and Transportation Projects in Atlanta, GA and Toledo, OH

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2015
Level City or Town
State(s) Georgia, Ohio
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Finance & Procurement
When rainwater hits hard surfaces like roads and parking lots, it runs along the surface till it flows into a storm drain, river, or stream. Known as stormwater runoff, this water picks up pollutants such as heavy metals, brake linings, and deicing salts which contaminate local waters. While polluted stormwater runoff can occur wherever there are surfaces impervious to water, highways and roads are a significant source. This report evaluates opportunities to better integrate green infrastructure for post-construction stormwater management into transportation projects, focusing specifically on roads and highways. Additionally, it draws from two case studies to identify best practices in funding and integrating green infrastructure at the transportation planning and project development stages.

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