University of Wisconsin–Madison

Transforming and Embracing Innovation in Ohio's 9th Congressional District: Moving towards Sustainable, Efficient and Reliable Energy

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2011
Level County
State(s) Ohio
Policy Areas Community Development, Energy, Environment & Natural Resources, Public Spaces
This report examines the project's objective of creating a thriving, environmentally-friendly, and economically sustainable energy economy within Ohio's 9th Congressional District. By harnessing the power of renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and biogas, the report demonstrates their potential to effectively meet the district's electricity requirements. To facilitate this transition, it stresses the significance of implementing supportive government policies, incentives, and investments that encourage the adoption of renewable energy and energy-efficient practices. The report also identifies the promising prospects for job creation and economic growth within the clean energy sector, underscoring the need to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. Researchers analyzed the feasibility of implementing solar, wind and biogas energy projects in the 9th Congressional District. Others evaluated options for improving the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings, as well as the transportation sector.

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