University of Wisconsin–Madison

In-Person Absentee Voting (IPAV) in Satellite Locations in the City of Madison

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2017
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance
City of Madison issued 66,834 absentee ballots in the 2016 General Election, truly shattering all previous records. The November 2016 election saw over twice the number of issued and returned absentee ballots as any previous election. The number of pre-registered voters prior to Election Day was also at a record high. That these numbers occurred in the context of Wisconsin's strict photo ID law is more remarkable, but this would not have been the case without In-Person Absentee Voting (IPAV) occurring at satellite locations across the City of Madison. Of the 66,834 total absentee ballots, 51,053 (or 76%) were issued at satellite IPAV locations, with an additional 6,207 being issued at the downtown City Clerk's Office. The thirteen off-site locations included City of Madison public libraries, a municipal engineering office and locations on the UW-Madison and Edgewood College campuses. The Clerk's Office took advantage of the strategic locations of Madison's nine public libraries, and where a library was not conveniently located, the Madison's eastside engineering department hosted absentee voting.

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