University of Wisconsin–Madison

Pathways to 100: An Energy Supply Transformation Primer for U.S. Cities

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2017
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Energy, Environment & Natural Resources
Pathways to 100 provides a high-level map of pathways for municipalities seeking to transform their energy supply, outlining strategies for both municipal operations and for all energy users within municipal limits. The document is organized around a three-step process that cities can use to identify an appropriate pathway forward. These are: 1) map the city's energy landscape, 2) identify available strategies, and 3) organize for energy transformation. These steps guide cities through the key factors that determine their level of influence over energy supply (e.g., state energy policies) and map out available strategies for energy transformation. These strategies range from interventions into energy supply management (e.g., community choice aggregation or utility municipalization) to more traditional forms of influence (e.g., active participation in formal energy regulatory proceedings). While Pathways to 100 focuses on transforming electricity supply, it touches briefly on renewable heating and cooling, and energy efficiency where these topics intersect with electricity supply.

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