University of Wisconsin–Madison

A Public Housing Digital Inclusion Blueprint

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2019
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Policy Areas Community Development, Data & Technology, Housing
Internet connectivity is divided along socioeconomic lines, with fewer options available to those who have less capacity to pay for the service. Communities large and small, rural and urban, have residents who lack adequate access to digital services and internet connectivity. Digital inclusion practices help communities to reach a state in which everyone has equitable access. In conjunction with a local internet service provider (ISP) operating in San Francisco, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development together with the Department of Technology has worked to improve digital access to affordable housing complexes throughout the city. Key takeaways include the importance of finding a suitable ISP partner and researching funding opportunities. A city should find an ISP that desires similar outcomes and can be incentivized to participate in the project.

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