University of Wisconsin–Madison

Estimating Policy Effects on Reduced Vehicle Travel in Hawaii: A Technical Guide

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2019
Level State
State(s) Hawaii
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Transportation & Mobility
This report compares estimates of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in Hawaii under current conditions versus VMT when policies are implemented to manage travel demand. These policies include transportation demand management (employer-based programs that encourage employees to carpool, use transit, walk, or bike), parking reform, road or mileage pricing (i.e. increased taxes on gasoline, congestion charges in urban areas), improved access to walking and biking facilities, zoning policies that encourage denser, mixed-use development in suburban areas, and more. Under current conditions, VMT is expected to rise 16.6% above current levels by 2045; upon policy implementation, VMT could be reduced by 7.3 percent below current levels by 2045.

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