University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Material Type Scrollable Checkbox List
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State Scrollable Checkbox List
Source Scrollable Checkbox List
Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas
Source Community Justice Exchange
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Economic Justice
Each year, about half a million individuals are incarcerated because they cannot afford bail, even though they remain innocent until proven guilty. This report examines pretrial and bail reforms, including eliminating cash bail for misdemeanors, establishing pretrial release as the...

Type Roadmap
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source ProGov21
Policy Areas Children & Families, Civil Rights, Economic Justice
Centuries of political, legal, and economic discrimination against women and people of color have entrenched inequality in the United States. ProGov21's Race, Sex, and Social Equality Roadmap outlines steps local governments can take to address the root causes of racial and gender...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2022
Level State
State(s) All States
Source Civil Rights Corps
Policy Areas Community Development, Public Safety
A Community Safety Policy is a policy agenda that shifts the concept of “safety” from a primarily criminal-legal model to a new framework that roots safety in public health and makes investments in non-carceral solutions. This guide outlines four steps states can take to create their...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2022
Level State
State(s) Oregon
Source Council for a Strong America
Policy Areas Children & Families, Education, Public Safety
One of the most effective ways to prevent crime is to provide children with the parental support and programs needed to be successful, productive members of society. This report discusses four steps Oregon policymakers should take to support children's success and improve public safety:...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level County
State(s) Arizona
Source Pima County Safety and Justice Challenge
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Public Safety
The limited use of electronic monitoring (EM) in Pima County, Arizona, is a result of state legislation restricting its application to nonviolent misdemeanor sentences, excluding pretrial cases. Expanding EM to pretrial use could significantly reduce jail populations and address racial...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2023
Level City or Town
State(s) New York
Source City of New York
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Economic Justice, Housing
Transgender, gender nonconforming, and intersex individuals often face uninformed or discriminatory practices at the hands of public institutions. This ordinance establishes a task force to address policies related to the treatment of current or formerly incarcerated individuals within...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source Community Justice Exchange
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Health
Incarcerated people in the United States’ jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers are at an unacceptable risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19. This document provides some guidance and tools for families, organizers, and advocates who are demanding their decarceration...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2024
Level National, State
State(s) All States, California, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Washington
Source Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Policy Areas Energy, Environment & Natural Resources, Housing
Decarbonizing buildings is essential to achieving broader climate goals, which demand rapid progress toward economy-wide decarbonization. Communities should implement a comprehensive policy framework involving equity and workforce investments, carbon reduction obligations, codes and...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2020
Level City or Town, State
State(s) All States
Source Community Justice Exchange
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Public Spaces, Public Safety, Health
People in prisons, jails, and immigration jails are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks. Given the inherent high risk of all incarceration settings, this statement argues that the best protection for these individuals is release for everyone in the custody of federal prisons,...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level County
State(s) California
Source By Alicia Virani
Policy Areas Public Safety
The increasing reliance on pretrial electronic monitoring (EM) in Los Angeles County raises concerns about racial disparities, infringement on personal freedoms, and the lack of proven benefits. Black and Latinx individuals are disproportionately subjected to EM, with restrictive...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source Williams Institute
Policy Areas Public Spaces, Public Safety, Health
Incarceration puts both incarcerated people and corrections staff at risk of contracting COVID-19. A wide array of criminal justice stakeholders have come together to call for a public health-oriented approach to the COVID-19 crisis. The key recommendations include releasing incarcerated...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source Local Progress
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Community Development, Public Safety
Roughly three-quarters of American cities have juvenile curfew laws that criminalize youth for being in public spaces during late night and school hours. These laws disproportionately punish black and brown youth and low-income families. This policy brief argues that juvenile curfew...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2020
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Economic Justice
This ordinance prohibits the city from making contracts or agreements with jail facilities that allow it to generate revenue from the sale of goods and services to inmates. It also explains how the city has previously generated funding through heavily marked up prices on phone calls...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2024
Level City or Town
State(s) Tennessee, Wisconsin
Source Mayor’s Innovation Project
Policy Areas Energy, Environment & Natural Resources, Health
The air quality in a community impacts every living thing, but most community members do not think about it on a daily basis. Local elected officials have a responsibility to engage their communities, improve public health, and leverage federal clean energy initiatives on behalf of...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2019
Level State
State(s) All States
Source Council for a Strong America
Policy Areas Children & Families, Community Development, Education, Public Safety
Participation in high-quality afterschool programs can reduce juvenile crime. This report highlights case studies of local afterschool programs from around the country that have been successful in providing at-risk youth with safe spaces that keep them from engaging in dangerous behavior....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2022
Level State
State(s) Michigan
Source Council for a Strong America
Policy Areas Children & Families, Education, Public Safety
One of the most effective ways to prevent crime is to provide children with the parental support and programs needed to be successful, productive members of society. This report discusses four steps Michigan policymakers should take to support children's success and improve public...

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