University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Type Article
Year 2024
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) All States
Source Washington and Lee Law Review
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
Because the likelihood of being penalized is low, some employers commit wage-theft on a large scale. This report explores government contracting approaches for mitigating wage theft, including disclosure obligations, ineligibility sanctions for wage-theft offenders, and government...

Type Act or Session Law
Year 2001
Level City or Town
State(s) New York
Source Wales Town Board
Policy Areas Community Development, Public Spaces, Economic Justice, Civil Rights
An act requiring that for city-assisted development projects, developers and employers of the built business are required to hire 30% local residents, or make efforts to do so....

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2020
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source National League of Cities
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
This model ordinance establishes a mutual aid agreement to allow one municipality to share its services with another in a time of need. It outlines the responsibilities and obligations of each participating municipality, provides a framework for dispute resolution, and limits liabilities...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2022
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) All States
Source Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Community Development, Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
Governments can promote racial equity through procurement and contracting reforms that increase vendor diversity and expand racially equitable service outcomes. This report outlines successful case studies and best practices for developing equitable procurement strategies and recommends...

Type Act or Session Law
Year 2013
Level County
State(s) Wisconsin
Source Dane County Board Of Supervisors
Policy Areas Health
This ordinance states that every contract entered into by the County for the provision of reproductive health services shall require the provider to provide all County clients with comprehensive, non-directive reproductive health care information, including but not limited to family...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2009
Level County
State(s) California
Source California State University
Policy Areas Community Development, Public Spaces, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance
This report assesses the economic impact of the state government contracting with small businesses (SBs) and disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBEs). It finds that these contracts created significant economic benefits including job creation, higher net gross state product (GSP),...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2015
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source IBEW Local 18
Policy Areas Economic Justice
The factsheet outlines Los Angeles' Utility Pre-Craft Trainee Program (UPCT), which aimed to place low income and minority city residents in good union utility jobs through an innovative training program....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Policy Areas Finance & Procurement, Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice, Civil Rights
Los Angeles is currently embarking upon one its largest investments in infrastructure in decades. Through these investments, we will be modernizing our port, fixing our roads, and undertaking the largest expansion of public transit in recent history. These investments, representing...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level County
State(s) All States
Source IBM Center for the Business of Government
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance
Shared Service Agreements are contracts or agreements that expand access to quality services while promoting collaboration and innovation between multiple local governments. This guide outlines best practices for establishing these agreements, highlights successful case studies, and...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2010
Level City or Town
State(s) Connecticut
Source Hartford Court Of Common Council
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights
This ordinance requires employers to pay their employees no less than the living wage for work on contracts awarded by the City....

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2022
Level City or Town
State(s) Texas
Source City of Austin
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice
This ordinance combats wage theft by requiring the city to designate a wage theft coordinator, establishing a database of employers with a record of wage theft adjudication, and preventing offending employers from contracting with the city. It also outlines the wage theft coordinator's...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2012
Level City or Town
State(s) Virginia
Source Alexandria City Council
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Economic Justice
This ordinance establishes regulations regarding the required wage rate for public contracts. It stipulates that contractors must pay their employees, assigned to work on city-owned or controlled property, an hourly rate equal to the average poverty threshold for a family of four...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2009
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source National League of Cities
Policy Areas Community Development, Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
This report examines the fiscal crises facing many U.S. cities, and how city leaders approach economic recovery. It finds that while deteriorating financial conditions frequently lead to service cutbacks and layoffs, some city officials are pursuing fiscal stability by rebalancing...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2010
Level City or Town
State(s) Maryland
Source Baltimore City Council
Policy Areas Community Development, Public Spaces, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance
This ordinance requires community partnership agreements for certain construction projects financed or funded by or through the city. A project contractor must enter into a community partnership agreement with the city and the appropriate qualified construction union. The agreement...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) Louisiana
Source City of New Orleans
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Community Development, Energy
This ordinance prioritizes environmental sustainability in procurement spending and creates an environmental purchasing committee. It establishes an assessment system for environmentally preferable purchases and explains the city's plans for promoting the policy will be promoted to...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Economic Justice, Civil Rights
This paper offers background on the development of Los Angeles's Utility Pre-Craft Trainee (UPCT) program, and highlights the features of the program that make it a best practice model for workforce training for entry-level workers. First, it provides an overview of the statewide...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) Massachusetts
Source Boston City Council
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Health
Covering transition-related surgeries can improve the health of transgender people and save lives. This ordinance prohibits the City of Boston from contracting with any health insurance company that refuses to insure any person or that discriminates in the amount of premium, policy...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2007
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States, Indiana
Source Center for Neighborhood Technology
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility, Community Development
This report discusses the potential for Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) to increase transportation choice locally; by promoting walking and cycling, implementing a universal pass program, managing parking pricing, and creating commuter services like ride-sharing and...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2020
Level City or Town
State(s) New Jersey
Source Jersey City City Council
Policy Areas Economic Justice
This ordinance amends the Jersey City Municipal Code by requiring City contractors to provide their employees, whether full- or part-time, with a standard hourly rate of pay, benefits, and paid leave during the time of their contract. Additionally, when a contractor’s service is terminated,...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2012
Level City or Town
State(s) New Jersey
Source City of Jersey City
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
This ordinance establishes a minimum wage rate for workers on building services, janitorial, and unarmed security contracts by combining the most optimal benefits and practices from existing prevailing wage ordinances. It requires that these workers should are paid the highest of...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2001
Level City or Town, State
State(s) Ohio
Source Policy Matters Ohio
Policy Areas Civil Rights
This report discusses relevant research on prison privatization and presents concerns regarding the expansion of prison privatization across Ohio. The report also features three case studies which highlight some glaring issues with the implementation of private prisons in the state,...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2022
Level City or Town
State(s) Texas
Source City of Austin
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice
This ordinance combats wage theft by requiring the city to designate a wage theft coordinator, establishing a database of employers with a record of wage theft adjudication, and preventing offending employers from contracting with the city. It also outlines the wage theft coordinator's...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2008
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance, Environment & Natural Resources, Community Development, Public Spaces, Finance & Procurement
The Construction Careers and Project Stabilization Policy establishes a local hiring program and project labor agreement terms that would be applied to all Board-approved projects that meet certain thresholds.The key goals of the Policy are to ensure that (1) CRA/LA-created job opportunities...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2022
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Source Madison City Council
Policy Areas Economic Justice
This ordinance requires employers that contract with the City of Madison, receive financial assistance from the City, or operate in City-owned facilities to pay their employees a living wage. The City of Madison must also pay their employees a living wage. This ordinance defines a...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2016
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
To meet the goal of providing clean and reliable water and power for all ratepayers, LADWP, a public water and power agency, must provide fair and reasonable services to all ratepayers. In examining the issue of fairness, LADWP should examine service disparities, equity among ratepayers,...

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