University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) California
Source The Greenlining Institute
Policy Areas Energy, Transportation & Mobility
Mobility equity programs help fight climate change, improve mobility in underserved communities, and reduce automobile dependence. This report examines innovative clean mobility programs in California and provides best practices for moving towards green transportation. Recommendations...

Type Act or Session Law
Year 2024
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source The Greenlining Institute
Policy Areas Community Development, Transportation & Mobility
Clean and equitable transportation initiatives must address the gaps, barriers, and needs of underserved communities. This roadmap highlights community assessments as a tool to better include historically marginalized communities and provides best practices for equitable transportation....

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2024
Level City or Town
State(s) Rhode Island
Source City of Providence
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility
This Providence ordinance mandates a multimodal transportation system to create a connected network in the city that accommodates all modes of travel. It creates a green and complete streets advisory council, ensures that streets and parking lots are designed in an accessible manner,...

Type Roadmap
Year 2024
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source The Greenlining Institute
Policy Areas Community Development, Transportation & Mobility
Clean and equitable transportation initiatives must address the gaps, barriers, and needs of underserved communities. This roadmap highlights community assessments as a tool to better include historically marginalized communities and provides best practices for equitable transportation....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, State
State(s) All States
Source Smart Growth America
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Community Development, Housing, Health, Transportation & Mobility
Transportation accounts for the largest share of carbon emissions in the U.S. Car-oriented land use and community design play a significant role in the nation’s transportation emissions; communities are built in a way that makes it difficult and unsafe to access daily needs outside...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town
State(s) Illinois
Source City Of Chicago
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility
Evaluation of Chicago's E-Scooter pilot program testing the viability of electronic scooters as a sustainable, safe and equitable method of transportation for residents. The report evaluates the impact of e-scooters, as an alternative micro mobility mode of transport, in a diverse...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2018
Level City or Town, State
State(s) All States, California, Massachusetts, Virginia
Source TransitCenter, State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI), Mayors Innovation Project (MIP), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Policy Areas Community Development, Environment & Natural Resources, Transportation & Mobility
Many communities are struggling to reduce traffic congestion and increase transportation accessibility. This modern transportation mitigation guide provides policy makers with urban planning and land use strategies to lower emissions, improve public health, and increase access to...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2009
Level State
State(s) Ohio
Source Policy Matters Ohio
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Transportation & Mobility
This report outlines the benefits of investing in public transportation, examines the current failures of Ohio's public transit, and analyzes the results of a state-wide transit-accessibility survey. It recommends local lawmakers establish a dedicated source of funding for public...

Type Ballot Measure
Year 2018
Level City or Town
State(s) Arizona
Source City of Tucson
Policy Areas Community Development, Public Spaces, Transportation & Mobility
This ballot initative proposed a $225 million bond package to improve city parks and active transportation connections in Tucson. Potential projects include new sidewalks, shared use paths, bicycle boulevards, protected bike lanes, enhancing connectivity to parks, schools, transit,...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2018
Level City or Town, County, Other Boards and Agencies
State(s) California
Source The Greenlining Institute
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility
This report outlines a framework for mobility equity, or a transportation system that increases access to high quality mobility options, reduces air pollution, and enhances economic opportunity in low-income communities of color. Decades of local, regional, and state transportation...

Type Roadmap
Year 2021
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source ProGov21
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility
Local transit systems face a series of challenges, including aging infrastructure, decreasing public transportation usage, increasing congestion, unsafe streets for pedestrians and bikers, COVID-19 transmission on public transit, and the excessive release of carbon emissions. To address...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2022
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Source City of Madison
Policy Areas Community Development, Environment & Natural Resources, Transportation & Mobility
This ordinance creates the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program, designed to decrease demand for single occupancy motor vehicle travel and increase demand for other modes of transportation like biking and busing. It requires proposed buildings that are seeking a zoning certificate...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2009
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Center for Transit-Oriented Development
Policy Areas Data & Technology, Transportation & Mobility
This report examines the potential benefits of connecting major cities with transit service by aggregating ridership data from 24 light rail lines around the country and analyzing the associated costs and workforce opportunities. It establishes that rail ridership is generally increasing,...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level City or Town, National
State(s) All States
Source National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Environment & Natural Resources, Transportation & Mobility
Cities must adopt local economic recovery and transportation plans with climate resiliency, equity and safety concerns in mind to create vibrant, healthy, and sustainable societies. This report highlights cities piloting to address urban freight challenges and provides best practices....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2023
Level City or Town
State(s) Massachusetts
Source City of Cambridge, MA
Policy Areas Public Safety, Public Spaces, Transportation & Mobility
Balancing the preservation of Brattle Street's historic character with the need for cyclist and pedestrian safety is essential. This report outlines a plan to implement a two-way separated bike lane using low-profile materials such as 6-inch-tall precast concrete curbing and reflective...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2023
Level City or Town
State(s) Florida
Source City of Fort Lauderdale
Policy Areas Community Development, Environment & Natural Resources, Transportation & Mobility
High vehicular speeds and inadequate multimodal infrastructure on Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale, FL create safety and accessibility challenges. This report outlines the need for changes, including lane elimination, the addition of a greenway, and accessibility improvements to transform...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2023
Level City or Town
State(s) Virginia
Source City of Richmond, Virginia
Policy Areas Community Development, Transportation & Mobility
To address traffic congestion, the city of Richmond the city should expand the GRTC Pulse Bus Rapid Transit system, invest in public transit, and develop bike lanes and pedestrian infrastructure to support multimodal transportation. The removal of parking minimums promotes alternative...

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