University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County
State(s) California, Washington
Source Eno Center for Transportation
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Transportation & Mobility
Mobility on demand (MOD) refers to transportation services that can be hailed in real-time for an impending trip. The largest MOD project funded by the Federal Transit Administration is a two-region partnership between Los Angeles and the Puget Sound Region that provides first/last...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town, County, Other Boards and Agencies
State(s) All States, California
Source University of California Berkeley
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice
Increasing diversity in the healthcare workforce is associated with improved access for minority and underserved populations, improved patient satisfaction, and greater cultural competency in care environments. This guide highlights effective approaches for improving hiring diversity,...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) All States
Source ChangeLab Solutions
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Health
Local policy is more likely to generate lasting change if it responds to the needs and priorities of local residents and is grounded in their lived experiences. However, some state legislatures are using the legal doctrine of preemption to block local policy innovations. This report...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2011
Level City or Town, County, State
State(s) All States
Source National Center for Transgender Equality
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Public Spaces, Public Safety
Over the years, more and more cities and states have extended essential protections to LGBT people via non-discrimination laws. In response, anti-LGBT activists have attacked these laws by attempting to incite "bathroom panic"-an irrational fear that non-discrimination laws will compromise...

Type Article
Year 2021
Level City or Town
State(s) Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts
Source Urban Institute
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Economic Justice, Housing
Housing initiatives in Chicago, Louisville, and Boston provide models for other local governments to develop equitable zoning policies and preserve access to fair housing. This article outlines how these initiatives normalize efforts to advance racial equity within housing agencies...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level State
State(s) All States
Source Williams Institute
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Housing, Education
The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County affirmed that Title VII protects employees nationwide from discrimination based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Courts have often looked to Title VII case law when interpreting analogous provisions...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2020
Level City or Town, County, National
State(s) All States
Source Williams Institute
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Housing
Compared to non-LGBT people, LGBT people appear to be more likely to face housing unaffordability, experience homelessness, and be renters (rather than homeowners). LGBT people face an array of stigma and discrimination across their life course that undermines their ability to have...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States, Wisconsin
Source Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice, Finance & Procurement
Local governments should seek to establish partnerships and policies that support nontraditional workers in industries like manufacturing, transportation, and distribution. This report outlines best practices for increasing the presence of women in nontraditional occupations and recommends...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2015
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Source Madison City Council
Policy Areas Civil Rights
This ordinance requires certain city contractors to "Ban the Box" in their hiring practices, meaning that an employer will not ask any questions on a job application about an applicant's criminal or police record; the "box" to check for crimes or law violations is removed from application...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2019
Level City or Town
State(s) Georgia
Source City of Dunwoody
Policy Areas Civil Rights
This ordinance expands City offenses to include crimes of discrimination that are not subject to other remedies under law. It establishes the rights to obtain and hold employment, engage in property transactions, and enjoy public spaces without discrimination. ...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2022
Level City or Town
State(s) Nebraska
Source Lincoln City Council
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Housing, Public Spaces
This ordinance establishes the Manager of Lincoln Commission on Human Rights and the Commission on Human Rights to protect resident's equal access to places of public accommodation or equal opportunity for housing or employment. Any person subjected to unlawful discriminatory practices...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Source Madison Department of Civil Rights
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Housing, Public Spaces, Economic Justice
This ordinance declares it unlawful to discriminate against any person based on their protected classes when selling or renting housing, hiring, allowing access to any place of public accommodation or amusement. It also establishes the Equal Opportunities Commission, tasked with receiving...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2019
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source National Center for Transgender Equality
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Community Development, Public Safety
During interactions with law enforcement, transgender people are prone to experiencing harassment, abuse, or other mistreatment by the police. This report evaluates police departments across the country by assessing factors such as non-discrimination statements, recognition of non-binary...

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