University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Policy Area Scrollable Checkbox List
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Material Type Scrollable Checkbox List
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Source Scrollable Checkbox List
Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2017
Level National
State(s) All States
Source Center for Data Innovation
Policy Areas Data & Technology
Businesses in the real estate, financial services, and air travel industries have taken steps to limit third-party access to their data in ways that restrict competition, reduce market transparency, and harm consumers. In order to prevent this behavior, this report recommends that...

Type Article
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source ACCESS Magazine, Spring 2014, Number 44
Policy Areas Transportation & Mobility
Severe traffic congestion was anticipated due to the closure of a major freeway segment in Los Angeles for bridge reconstruction. The city should implement extensive planning and communication strategies, including increased transit services, no-parking zones, and real-time traffic...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2017
Level City or Town
State(s) Wisconsin
Source City of Madison
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Data & Technology
The city of Madison's open data ordinance allows greater public access to data regularly prepared by city agencies. City departments release data to the public through a comprehensive online portal, including property information, crime statistics, transit data, and city events. Making...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2022
Level City or Town, County
State(s) North Carolina
Source School of Government. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Policy Areas Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance, Public Safety
Local government employees are increasingly being filmed by individuals claiming to exercise First Amendment rights, creating anxiety and safety concerns. To address this, counties should adopt clear, content-neutral policies on filming within government buildings. These policies...

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