University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source City and County of San Francisco
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Finance & Procurement
This resolution urges the San Francisco Retirement Board of the Employees' Retirement System to divest from publicly-traded fossil fuel companies....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2016
Level National
State(s) All States
Source National Science and Technology Council
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Housing, Public Safety, Health, Finance & Procurement, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Education
The Social and Behavioral Sciences Team 2016 Annual Report highlights SBST's progress implementing the President's directive over the past year in eight key policy areas: promoting retirement security, advancing economic opportunity, improving college access and affordability, responding...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Mayors Innovation Project
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
This resolution applies to cities that do not currently invest in fossil fuel stock. It declares the intent of a city without fossil fuel investments to refrain from investing in fossil fuel companies in the future....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2015
Level City or Town, County
State(s) California
Source U.C. Berkeley Center For Labor Research and Education
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Children & Families, Housing, Public Safety
This report evaluates California's looming retirement crisis. The study finds most California seniors are unprepared for retirement facing high costs of living and with low pension or 401K attainment....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level County
State(s) All States
Source Tellus Institute
Policy Areas Finance & Procurement, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
In the face of increasing demands from students and other stakeholders concerned about the role of traditional energy companies in accelerating climate change, institutional investors are asking tough questions about the feasibility of divestment from fossil fuel companies. Based...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source American Sustainable Business Council
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights
This report, which contains the results of a scientific national phone survey of small business owners (2 to 99 employees) conducted in March 2013, is designed to inform policy discussions about retirement security and serve as a basis for evaluating proposals that address the needs...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2015
Level County
State(s) All States
Source The Behavioural Insights Team
Policy Areas Democracy & Governance, Housing, Public Safety, Health, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Education
If you want to encourage a behaviour, make it Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST). These four simple principles for applying behavioural insights are based on the Behavioural Insights Team's own work and the wider academic literature. There is a large body of evidence on what...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2016
Level City or Town, County
State(s) All States
Source U.C. Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Finance & Procurement
This report evaluates the distinct challenges of the U.S. retirement system centered on Social Security in an era of decreased pension coverage. In particular, this study focuses on the issues facing baby boomer women. It also proposes state and local solutions to these issues....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2010
Level City or Town
State(s) California
Source Mayors Innovation Project
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Finance & Procurement, Energy
Decisions made by local governments play a significant role in California's demand for natural resources and the associated pollution, air emissions, and waste from use of those resources. One important way local governments can reduce their impact on human health and the environment...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2012
Level City or Town, State
State(s) All States
Source Partnership for Working Families
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Public Safety, Health
The U.S. economy is headed towards greater inequality as middle-class jobs are becoming increasingly scarce, while low wage jobs are growing. This report details ten proposals to strengthen the economy for the long term by creating “good” jobs and addressing the economic insecurity...

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Mayors Innovation Project
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
This act requires that a municipal public fund create a list of fossil fuel companies that match specific criteria, divest all holdings from the companies on this list over a 3-year period, and reinvest funds in socially responsible investments that satisfy prudent person standards....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2016
Level County
State(s) All States
Source The Behavioural Insights Team
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Health, Housing, Public Safety, Education, Democracy & Governance
By 2050, two out of every three people on the planet will live in a city. Urbanization and new ideas go hand in hand; by their very nature, cities have long served to create pockets of innovation, changing and improving the way we live our lives in the process. Historically this process...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level County, City or Town, State
State(s) All States
Source Northstar Asset Management
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy, Finance & Procurement
This report highlights flaws in many prior estimates regarding the cost of divesting from fossil fuels and estimates that the true cost of divestment would only be 0.15% annually for a portfolio of 250 stocks. Heightening public awareness around fossil fuel divestment can lead investors...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town, Other Boards and Agencies
State(s) All States
Source Green Century Funds
Policy Areas Finance & Procurement, Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
This fact sheet includes five reasons why cities, churches, colleges, and other investors should divest from fossil fuel companies....

Type Ordinance or Resolution
Year 2014
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Mayors Innovation Project
Policy Areas Environment & Natural Resources, Energy
This resolution applied to cities that do not control the Pension Board and do not otherwise invest in fossil fuel stocks. It declares the city's commitment to divest from publicly‐traded fossil fuel companies....

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