University of Wisconsin–Madison

ProGov21 Policy Library

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Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) Pennsylvania
Source ReadyNation
Policy Areas Education, Economic Justice, Civil Rights
The foundation for success starts in the earliest years of children's lives, when they begin to develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviors they need to do well in school and beyond. To fix our failing workforce pipeline, we need to help our children get the good start in life that...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2012
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
Business and education communities share an understanding of the type, level, and quantity of skills and credentials needed by the workforce. However, community colleges often struggle to engage employers effectively. This report outlines strategies community colleges can take to...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2018
Level City or Town
State(s) Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Economic Justice, Community Development, Education
Nearly half of working age Detroiters do not have the essential foundational skills necessary to get a job or succeed in a career. At the same time, the need for strong foundational skills is growing. Detroit’s emerging economic comeback means that the number of jobs is growing, and...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2011
Level City or Town
State(s) Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
The Detroit Regional Workforce Fund’s efforts to connect low and moderate-income persons to career pathways is inhibited by the skills gap. As a result, the Detroit Regional Workforce Fund is pursuing several key policy and capacity-building efforts focused on increasing adult educational...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level County
State(s) All States
Source Mayors Innovation Project
Policy Areas Children & Families, Health, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Education
Almost 22 percent of children are poor. In 2012, over 16 million children in the U.S. were living in poverty according to the official measure, defined as living in families with income under $19,090 for a family of three. This is almost identical to figures for 2011, but an increase...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) Pennsylvania
Source City of Philadelphia
Policy Areas Education, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Environment & Natural Resources, Community Development, Children & Families, Democracy & Governance
This report outlines Philadelphia's goals and strategies for addressing poverty, including improving access to services and benefits, providing social and educational supports for children, creating job opportunities, and ensuring housing security. It highlights relevant programs...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2008
Level State
State(s) Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
Michigan’s economy is transforming to one that demands new skills, knowledge, and credentials, especially post-secondary education. However, there are fewer adults able to meet this growing need; in fact, one out of three working-age Michigan adults lacks the basic skills or credentials...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level County, City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Center for Law and Social Policy
Policy Areas Education, Economic Justice, Civil Rights, Community Development
The situation of high unemployment for black men is not new. It has persisted for decades, and scholars, sociologists, economists, policy makers, and advocates have brought attention to various aspects of this challenge and put forth solutions. Yet, it is seemingly an intractable...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2016
Level City or Town
State(s) Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
As Detroit has been met with a surge in economic growth, closing the critical skill gaps for Detroiters and attracting jobs to the city that fit entry-level skills sets are key to achieving shared economic prosperity. This report stresses the need for well aligned on-ramps to help...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2016
Level City or Town
State(s) All States
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
Increased global competition has led to declines in the American manufacturing sector, requiring U.S. workers to possess stronger skills and broader competencies in order to succeed in the current job market; in particular, postsecondary education or technical training is fundamental...

Type Fact Sheet or Infographic
Year 2013
Level City or Town
State(s) Tennessee
Source Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
Policy Areas Community Development
Suffering from years of disinvestment and persistently high rates of poverty, this case study shows how Memphis city officials joined forces with the private and nonprofit sectors to have a collective impact on some of the city's most pressing social issues....

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2021
Level City or Town
State(s) Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
The Detroit Economic Mobility Grant Initiative, a 10-grant Detroit pilot program operating from mid-2018 through 2020, has demonstrated that adult education and occupational training programs can work together to substantially improve learner results by accelerating instruction and...

Type Policy Brief or Report
Year 2013
Level City or Town, State
State(s) Massachusetts, Michigan
Source Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Policy Areas Education
Although the manufacturing industry is experiencing a resurgence, employers within the sector are reporting that they face a skilled worker shortage. A strategy to improve the basic and technical skills of young workers could create real career pathways for opportunity youth and...

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