Zero Waste LA Franchise System
Ordinance or Resolution
City or Town
Policy Areas
Energy, Environment & Natural Resources
Under the City's RENEW LA Plan, the City committed to reaching Zero Waste by
diverting 70% of the solid waste generated in the City by 2013, diverting 90% by 2025,
and becoming a zero waste city by 2030. In order to meet these goals, increasing recycling and diversion in the commercial and multifamily waste sectors is imperative. As a result, this ordinance establishes an exclusive, competitive franchise system for the collection, transportation, and processing of commercial and multifamily solid waste. This will aid the City in meeting its diversion goals by requiring franchisees to meet diversion targets, increasing the capacity for partnership between the City and solid waste haulers; allowing the City to establish consistent methods for diversion of recyclables and organics; (iv) increasing the City's ability to track diversion, and more.