Contracting for Equity: Best Local Government Practices that Advance Racial Equity in Government Contracting and Procurement
Policy Brief or Report
All States
Policy Areas
Civil Rights, Democracy & Governance, Economic Justice, Housing, Public Safety
Inclusive contracting refers to the process of creating the environment for businesses owned by people of color and/or women to participate in a governmental procurement and contracting process. Inclusive business participation in local government procurement and contracting is an important source of income and jobs in communities of color and helps to strengthen community and business partnerships. It strengthens communities within the jurisdiction both economically and socially. It also allows governments to express their values with the dollars that they spend. Procurement is one of the more important local government functions - valued at $23.4 billion annually, for instance, in the case of New York City. Although procurement and contracting has become more formalized and codified over time, it is not necessarily more equitable.